Author, Consultant, Speaker, Entrepreneur
Robin Royals has built a successful 40-year career in some of the world's most prestigious companies. He has served in executive capacities at General Electric, Coopers & Lyrand, Michigan National Bank, Eaton Corporation and currently at RC Royals & Associates, LLC. Robin has led the effort to complete over 200 projects resulting in millions in annual cost reductions by transforming core business processes and technology infrastructure.
Robin served as a mentor in the 25-year-old local mentoring program with over 200 participating CEOs. Known as an effective sounding board who provides wise counsel in support of C-level executives, he is also an award-winning mentor to up and coming talent which reflects his passion for paying it forward and recognizing and developing high performing leaders.
Mr. Royals has served as the local chapter president of an international fraternal organization in Kansas City, MO. He is an active member of their international expansion committee and serves on the fraternity’s finance committee. He has also served on the board of directors for the Literacy Council of America, Negro Leagues Baseball Museum and Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre.
Robin is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School (Philadelphia, PA) and Case Western University (Cleveland, OH).
Our Services
We improve the financial results of financial servicing companies by changing, fixing and enhancing the underlying processes driving the operating performance.

“A Safe Pair of Hands”
IT HAS BEEN my pleasure to have known Robin Royals for over two decades. Our friendship has grown from a mere business relationship to a mutual admiration society through the years.
Currently, I am President and CEO of GENPACT, a pioneer in managing business processes for global companies around the world. GENPACT began in 1997 as a unit within General Electric providing business process services to GE’s businesses. Today, we have grown tor over 110,000 employees in 30+ countries generating revenue over $ 4 Billion.
Robin was instrumental in the early success of General Electric Capital International Services (GECIS) in India. In my early days at GECIS, he traveled to India on a quarterly basis leading the charge to encourage United States based GE Capital divisions to outsource jobs to our India operation.
By Tiger Tyagarajan
IT HAS BEEN my pleasure to have known Robin Royals for over two decades. Our friendship has grown from a mere business relationship to a mutual admiration society through the years.
Currently, I am President and CEO of GENPACT, a pioneer in managing business processes for global companies around the world. GENPACT began in 1997 as General Electric Capital International Services, a unit within the General Electric Company providing business process services to GE’s businesses around the world. Today, we have grown tor over 110,000 employees in 30+ countries generating revenue over $4 Billion.
Robin was instrumental in the early success of General Electric Capital International Services (GECIS) in India. In my early days at GECIS, he traveled to India on a quarterly basis leading the charge to encourage United States based GE Capital divisions to outsource jobs to our India operation. Though GECIS eventually grew to over 50,000+ employees, US GE businesses were extremely reluctant to move jobs to India initially Robin played the role of intermediator between the pitcher (GE US businesses) and the catcher (GECIS). This was a critical role in our initial growth process because GECIS was just starting to build (develop) its expertise and there was little earned confidence that the GE US businesses had in GECIS’ ability to do the work successfully. Even though I was an experienced hire outside of the GE system, Robin served as an early mentor helping me adjust to this new GE culture. I have watched Robin continue in his career and have a positive impact on his clients across the United States.
A Safe Pair of Hands is an inspiring and instructional book that examines the importance of surrounding yourself with the right trusted advisors to assure business and financial success. He outlines the value of long-term relationships in establishing trust, but realizes that in most business relationships we do not have the luxury of knowing most business partners for multiple years. As a bridge in gaining the confidence of business partners, he delves into the importance of process and standardization to drive consistency in operating performance.
In his unique way, Robin contrasts his experience in working in a mature versus a growing GE division. It’s humorous to read his first experience at an annual meeting in the growth division and being appalled at spending habits after working in a thrifty mature business operation. The differences are stark and instructional for understanding the importance of operational efficiencies.
It’s obvious that Robin learned important lessons in the mature business which needed to run efficiently for its survival.
His training and leadership as a senior quality executive convinced him that process excellence is the key to the kingdom. Operational excellence models are frameworks for improving process execution. Models usually cover deployment, managing performance, refining processes, and elevating culture. Operational excellence is made up of four main categories. They include strategy deployment, performance management, high performance work teams and process excellence. In Robin’s five-step ROYAL Methodology for Strategic Success, he begins with 1) recognizing the core processes for strategic identification of growth opportunities, 2) ownership – employees alignment to critical tasks, 3) yield – increasing return on investment through outsourcing,
4) application – quick fixes to improve operating performance and 5) leverage – innovation through available technology.
Barring the size differential, our companies are aligned, as GENPACT works with businesses of all sizes to bring out their best through process excellence and advanced technological frameworks and solutions. Through our work of transforming hundreds of global businesses, we not only create meaningful impact for companies, but also for the world around them. We develop enduring experiences for customers, meaningful work for employees, and opportunities for communities to thrive.
Finally, I am grateful for our long-term relationship that has bloomed over the years. I am heartened that Robin has continued the journey of process excellence understanding the perils and rewards associated with solving the operational puzzle.
I am delighted to endorse A Safe Pair of Hands as a challenging and inspiring invitation to go deeper into process alliance and the transparency in getting it done right. I look forward to seeing
my old friend again soon.
Robin was recently a featured speaker at the American Association of Radon Scientists and Technology Convention and writes a regular column for their magazine, the Radon Reporter, which has an international attribution of 5,000 in over 18 countries.
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